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Oak Grove Baptist Church 509 Hwy. 108, Ashdown, Arkansas 71822 (870) 898-3935 If you would like more information about Oak Grove Baptist Church or the way of salvation please leave your contact information and someone will be in touch. Thanks,

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Will you come worship Christ with us?

For joy to be complete, it must be shared!  Ps 34- Come taste and see that the Lord is good!!  Blessing God can seem confusing to our modern ear.  When you bless God, you recognize and praise God for who he is. You are not giving him anything as if God was an insecure teenager who needed affirmation. But you are saying, “Lord, you are blessed!” When we magnify God together, we are not making him greater, but we are setting his greatness before our eyes and praising him for it. This means that worship is the most sane and rational thing we can do. We see reality, we see the greatness of God, and we align our hearts with the truth.  Come join us in our joy in Christ!

Catechism Question of the Day
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Verse of the Day
Bible Verse of the Day
For the LORD your God is gracious and merciful and will not turn away his face from you, if you return to him.

A Word From our Elders

Let’s Thank God for Our Country

This July 4th will mark 248 years since the Founding Fathers of the United States of America claimed independence from Great Britain. We continue to be the longest-ongoing Constitutional Republic in the history of the world. This is not by chance or accidental. It is a blessing from God. But we need to be careful not to glorify the U.S.

Tony Campolo puts it this way: “America may be the best Babylon the world has, but it is still Babylon nonetheless.”  We, my brothers and sisters, are exiles living in Babylon.  Our corner of the world may be called “America” but it’s still all part of a world consumed by materialism and is fundamentally opposed to the Kingdom of God.  We need to avoid the mistake we see over and over in Scripture: having a love for this world or the stuff available to us, this is only our temporary dwelling place – whether it’s called Babylon or America – we can lose sight of what Hebrews 11:16 calls “a better country”.  I may carry an Arkansas driver’s license, but I try to remember where my identity is rooted.  It’s rooted in Jesus, the One whose claims of Lordship will always challenge Caesar’s.

One day we will leave this life. When we do, we won’t take any of our possessions.  But if we are members of the Body of Christ through repentance, covered by the grace of God, then we truly have a reason to celebrate! We gained independence from the slavery of sin and the threat of eternal death when we surrendered our loyalty, our honor, and our life to God through the grace of Jesus Christ.  

Your brother in Christ,



Regular Schedule


  • Sunday School
    – 9:30 AM
  • Morning Service
    – 10:30 AM
  • Bible Study
    – 5:00 PM


  • Evening Worship Service
    – 6:30 PM

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