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Oak Grove Baptist Church 509 Hwy. 108, Ashdown, Arkansas 71822 (870) 898-3935 If you would like more information about Oak Grove Baptist Church or the way of salvation please leave your contact information and someone will be in touch. Thanks,

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Watch our Sunday morning worship service live at 10:30am each week.

Daily Bible Reading – ESV w/ Audio
Daily Bible Reading – ESV w/ Audio
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Will you come worship Christ with us?

For joy to be complete, it must be shared!  Ps 34- Come taste and see that the Lord is good!!  Blessing God can seem confusing to our modern ear.  When you bless God, you recognize and praise God for who he is. You are not giving him anything as if God was an insecure teenager who needed affirmation. But you are saying, “Lord, you are blessed!” When we magnify God together, we are not making him greater, but we are setting his greatness before our eyes and praising him for it. This means that worship is the most sane and rational thing we can do. We see reality, we see the greatness of God, and we align our hearts with the truth.  Come join us in our joy in Christ!

Catechism Question of the Day
RSS Catechism RSS
  • Heidelberg Q. 45. How does Christ's resurrection benefit us?
    A. First, by His resurrection He has overcome death, so that He could make us share in the righteousness which He had obtained for us by His death. Second, by His power we too are raised up to a new life. Third, Christ's resurrection is to us a sure pledge of our glorious resurrection.
  • Heidelberg Q. 44. Why is there added: He descended into hell?
    A. In my greatest sorrows and temptations I may be assured and comforted that my Lord Jesus Christ, by His unspeakable anguish, pain, terror, and agony, which He endured throughout all His sufferings but especially on the cross, has delivered me from the anguish and torment of hell.

Verse of the Day
Bible Verse of the Day
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’
‎Oak Grove Baptist-Ashdown AR
‎Oak Grove Baptist-Ashdown AR
Available on Roku

A Word From our Elders

OG Family,

Since I was a little kid, I have always been a lover of history. I found it interesting and fascinating to look at the story of how we got to where we are today, and I have discovered over the years that history is vitally important to understanding the world around us today. Even our own traditions began in a specific time for a specific reason, and understanding why we do some of the things we do is how we discern whether we should honor a tradition or when it is time to make a change.

Oak Grove is a fully autonomous Baptist church according to biblical conviction. The Baptist on our sign refers to our theology. It is what we believe is clearly taught in the pages of Scripture. As such, we have historically partnered with a variety of organizations that were like-minded, such as the Arkansas Baptist Convention (an organization comprised of cooperating Baptist churches in the state), the Little River Baptist Association (a coalition of Baptist churches in southwest Arkansas), and the Southern Baptist Convention (a national collection of Baptist churches across the country). None of these organizations rule over us. Scripture does.

We voluntarily partner with these other entities to pool resources and advance the gospel through creating literature (LifeWay), planting churches (NAMB), and training, sending, and supporting missionaries around the world (IMB).

I have had the privilege to represent Oak Grove at the annual meetings of the state and national conventions the last couple years and I have been increasingly disturbed by the direction being taken by some of these entities. We never want to send money to people or organizations, or embrace positions taken by various entities simply because of tradition. There have been questions asked for years now about a lack of transparency from Lifeway, the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and the International Mission Board (IMB) and these calls have been soundly rejected. Lifeway has consistently published works by authors who oppose the clear doctrines of scripture that we believe and that are stated in the convention’s own statement of faith. NAMB is currently embroiled in multiple legal battles, and some of the disclosure documents released via that process reveal gross mismanagement of funds donate by churches for church planting (Annie Armstrong Offering). The IMB has also failed to disclose how they actually spend the money they receive from the Lottie Moon Offering, and they have drifted in their mission from their primary task which is training men and women to share the gospel in places and among people around the globe who do not know it.

On top of these things there has been a significant doctrinal drift at the state and national levels away from the beliefs that the Southern Baptist Convention was founded upon. We are looked at as weird or extreme or outsiders in most SBC circles, not because we believe something new, but because we dare to hold fast to the historic teachings of scripture and what Baptists have historically believed about scripture. This is why in this new budget year the elders have decided to re-allocate the money we give to missions. No longer will we blindly send money to NAMB and the IMB, but rather we will send the same amount or more to support the missions efforts of our local association such as through church camp and the pregnancy resource center, and to HeartCry Missionary Society who is still training and equipping missionaries to go into all the world and preach the gospel as their first and foremost priority. Let me encourage each of you not to blindly accept what you are told or blindly do what you have always done, but like the Bereans in Acts 17:10-15, test everything against the word of God. It is to Him we must give account of how we used the resources and tools he has blessed us with, and it is according to His word that we will be judged. Let us strive therefore for a clear conscience before God, no matter what the world or other churches or other organizations think of us.

As we emphasize being thankful during this season of the year, let us also not lose sight of the fact that all the things we are thankful for, are not for us, but are to be used for the glory of God. May God richly bless you all according to His abundant grace and mercy!
-Bro. Adam

reformed baptist



Regular Schedule


  • Sunday School
    – 9:30 AM
  • Morning Service
    – 10:30 AM
  • Bible Study
    – 5:00 PM


  • Evening Worship Service
    – 6:30 PM

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